Homepage | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Our Mission. The Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS) is a vibrant hub for neuroscience research, education, and community engagement, promoting interdisciplinary brain science and translating discoveries into solutions for health and society.Learn more …
Research - Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Brain Development and Aging Across the Lifespan. Loading... Cells, Synapses, and Molecules
Duke University Neuroscience Experience (DUNE)
ELIGIBILITY. To apply for 2025, students must: Be a current high school sophomore or junior (grades 10-11 for the 2024-2025 school year), or a senior (grade 12) who does *not* plan to attend college in fall 2025;; Attend a public or charter high school in Durham, NC (C.E. Jordan High School, City of Medicine Academy, Durham School of Technology, Durham School of the Arts, Excelsior Classical ...
About | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Connecting Minds • Advancing Neuroscience • Improving Lives. The Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS) provides a vibrant hub for all who share our vision of making neuroscience greater than the sum of its parts by integrating schools, disciplines, analysis and education to accelerate breakthroughs and benefit society.It is an exciting place to be!
Graduate - Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
To supplement these unique graduate programs offerings, the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences sponsors the Entering Mentoring, Duke University Neuroscience Experience (DUNE) and Cognitive Neuroscience Research Internship (CNRI) programs. These programs, all inspired, created and led by our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, are not only designed to serve the community but also provide ...
People | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
The Duke Brain Institute exists to connect people who are fascinated by the brain. To do this, we maintain a network of over 200 Duke faculty whose scholarly interests connect them to the brain in any way.
DUNE Program Policies | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
The following policies are designed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for students participating in the DUNE Program. They address personal responsibility as well as what it means to belong to a learning community. Students who fail …
Neurotechnology | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
There are no People items to show. Duke Institute for Brain Sciences. 308 Research Drive LSRC M051 Durham, NC 27708. dukebrain@duke.edu (919) 668-2512
Impact Neuroscience Program - Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
What would it look like if a neuroscientist and a psychologist used their knowledge of how we learn to reshape graduate training? The answer is the Impact Neuroscience Program funded by the National Institute of Mental Health for graduate training in the neurosciences at Duke. It’s no secret that science is hard.
Initiatives | Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Since the 2017-2018 academic year, DIBS has supported seminars and symposia on timely topics related specifically to increasing diversity and translating that diversity into authentic inclusion in neuroscience, as well as science, technology, engineering, and …
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